
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week one.

See, I had this plan. Basically a new years resolution. Well, many of them.

1. post more on my blogs.... yep, clearly that didn't happen.

2. Clean office. I'd post a picture but its quite disturbing. Think hoarders but with short piles. Scary, I know. But I couldn't clean it this weekend because I hurt my back. Maybe next weekend?

3. Finish projects. Well..., its just that I'm not sure what projects I have because I cant find them. See above.

4. Eat real food more constantly... that didnt really work either. I've even gone back to eating some unhappy animals. I do try to make it to the farmers market as often as possible to pick up eggs and chicken breast. The chicken breast there is delicious. I cover it in some mustard and then whole wheat bread crumbs and bake it. I've actually been doing that once a week or so which makes me happy. Real food, happy chickens (well, you know what I mean) and its easy and healthy and incredibly delicious. In fact the one week I did not make it to the market and we had to get chicken from the grocery store. ( I know, sad chickens.) The husband asked what I did differently to it, cause it wasn't as good. My only explanation was that it came from the store. He was quite surprised! And I was happy. All the more reason for me to go to the farmers market!
Just as we were getting back into the real food, the husband bought Insanity.

5. Complete Insanity. Wait what? This so was not on my original list....Although with the way work has been going lately, I'm not sure that I am entirely sane. So mission complete?

I've been telling my husband I want to get in shape and I need his help. I'm not sure he was listening. I think what really happened was that he finally decided how he was going to get in shape, and I was welcome to try the program. I don't think he really expected me to. The program is exactly what it sounds like. Insanity. Exercise moves intended to use your own body to kill yourself, I mean, get your self toned and in overall better shape.
The problem is, other than I only made it to day 4 before I injured my back and am now a few days behind... the Insanity program gives you guidelines on how to eat while completing their 60 day program  It boils down to calorie counting. The majority of the suggested meals include real foods. But when it comes to your grains, buying "whole wheat" sandwich thins and English muffins is easier than trying to calculate calories of the home made whole wheat product. The husband actually snatched product out of my hands while we were in the store because I kept reading the labels and making funny faces and disappointing noises.
I only hope that after the 60 day program we can find a balance of real foods that stay within a decent calorie range for both of us.
The plus side is that by the end of the 60 days I just might be able to do a normal push-up. For now I'll just stick to the GP's (girl push-ups or gold points as the husband called them).

Ok, off to bed now. If I can make it out of my office with out tripping and re-injuring my back....